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Amazing Recovery of Rescued Owl: Shot with BB Gun and Trapped in Manure Pit

In a heartwarming tale, a wildlife center in Pennsylvania has successfully nursed a Great Horned Owl back to health after it faced a traumatic experience. The owl, named Lucky, was rescued from a manure pit where it had been trapped for two days. The poor creature was dehydrated, weak, and covered in layers of caked-on manure, requiring several baths to clean off.

A Long Road to Recovery
Upon his arrival at the Raven Ridge Animal Centre, Lucky required immediate care and attention. Wildlife rehabilitator Tracie Young, who lovingly looked after the owl, described his condition as “subdued” due to the exhaustion from his ordeal. Moreover, Lucky had suffered severe eye trauma, with a steel BB found lodged in his eye. It was later revealed that he had been illegally shot with a BB gun.

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