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His Houston mansion features a pool, pool house, and three elevators

The internet is buzzing with reactions to a particularly tone-deaf tweet from millionaire televangelist Joel Osteen, who urged people to enjoy the “simple things” in life even if they lack substantial resources. Osteen, 61, has an estimated net worth of at least $50 million and owns two luxurious homes in Texas valued at $10.5 million and $2.9 million. His Houston mansion features a pool, pool house, and three elevators.


Many quickly pointed out the apparent hypocrisy of Osteen’s message, given his affluent lifestyle and prominent status at Lakewood Church, where he serves as senior pastor. The megachurch operates on an annual budget of around $70 million, funded by generous donations from followers who heed Osteen’s calls for contributions.

On Wednesday, Osteen tweeted, “It’s the simple things in life that bring us the most joy,” adding that those without many resources are still “blessed” if they have their health and can enjoy simple pleasures like looking at the stars.

Critics were swift to call out Osteen’s lack of awareness. One person sarcastically remarked, “If you can look up at those stars from the balcony of your mansion, you’re Joel Osteen.” Another questioned the morality of anyone donating to what they termed a “morally bankrupt conman.” Another tweet highlighted the irony of Osteen’s message given his wealth: “You may not have a lot of resources… multiple mansions, a yacht, and sports cars were all purchased off the backs of the suckers he’s referring to.”

Osteen’s church has been the subject of controversy before. During Hurricane Harvey, he initially refused to open the church’s doors to victims, only relenting after public outcry. One Twitter user referenced this incident, quipping, “Saw Joel Osteen trending and thought he had locked his church doors during a hurricane again.”

Comparisons to other public figures, such as Donald Trump, surfaced as well. One user wrote, “Joel Osteen and Donald Trump are basically the same person. Both fake Christians that sucker the weak-minded out of their money.” Others mocked Osteen by juxtaposing his tweet with images of his opulent lifestyle, including a private jet and luxurious mansions. Another pointed out his rumored $54 million yearly salary, despite his claims of relying solely on book sales for income.

In a viral post, a user highlighted Osteen’s hypocrisy: “Joel Osteen, worth $100 million, living in multiple mansions and owning multiple yachts wants you to know that money won’t bring you joy, but he still wants you to send him all of the money you can.”

Osteen took over Lakewood Church in 1999 after his father’s death. The church was criticized in 2021 for receiving $4.4 million in PPP loans, which were later returned. The Financial Times reported in 2019 that Lakewood Church collected $89 million in donations in 2017 but spent only $1.2 million on charitable causes while using $115 million to upgrade their facility, which included two 30-foot waterfalls.

Despite the backlash, Osteen’s tweet continues to draw attention, with many pointing out the disparity between his words and actions. The televangelist’s apparent disconnect from the struggles of ordinary people has once again put him at the center of a heated debate about wealth and religion.

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